How many potential superfund sites can Pecos River Canyon sustain?

The entire Pecos River system of watersheds, river, tributaries and floodplain could be re-contaminated due to a recent application by the Australian based New World Cobalt Mining Company that has a small limited liability group, Comexico, LLC, filing for exploratory ... Read More
BLM charges ahead with oil and gas leasing

As the country weathers the current crisis, and as state and national guidelines are ever evolving to curb the spread of coronavirus, the Bureau of Land Management has charged ahead with a minimal 10-day protest period for its planned May ... Read More
Udall introduces bipartisan bill to update bargain-basement oil and gas rates for public land

On February 26, the 100th anniversary of the Mineral Leasing Act, Sen. Tom Udall introduced legislation to update oil and gas royalty rates that have not been increased since the 1920 law passed — as well as minimum bids for ... Read More
Hundreds attend meetings on reuse of fracked water

The Sierra Club’s position is that not enough is known about fracking wastewater to determine if it is safe for outside use, even after it is treated. Along with high levels of salt, there are many hundreds of potential other ... Read More
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