The Central NM group learned about recycling in Albuquerque.
Albuquerque moves beyond plastic bags
On April 15, 2019, the City Council of Albuquerque voted to ban single-use plastic bags. It goes into effect January 2020.
Upcoming bosque and river events
Some events from our friends at Save the Bosque.
Chapter endorsements in MRGCD races
The Sierra Club has endorsed John Kelly and Barbara Baca for the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District Board of Directors.
First Friday Arts – April 2019
Please join us in welcoming back Eliza Schmid for a show of new paintings on April 5, 6-8 pm.
First Friday Arts – February 2019
Please join us on February 8 at the Sierra Club office for the First Friday Arts reception of works by Barbara Endicott. Refreshments will be provided, and 30% of sales benefit the Sierra Club.
Another surprising Sandoval plot twist
The Sandoval County Oil and Gas Ordinance was tabled after the November Commission meeting. The process of applying for drilling permits reverts to the current “special use” permitting under the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
First Friday Arts – December 2018
The December 2018 featured artist Rickey Richardson will be showing her collage art in “Sense of Sight,” opening December 7, 6-8 pm. Rickey has a BFA from the U of Washington and an MFA from Pratt Institute. She has been
Bosque Bash – December 8
Please join the Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter and the Bosque Action Team for the Big Bosque Bash and Election Celebration! This is a holiday party to celebrate our election success and our wonderful bosque. The Bash will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, December 8, at the ever-hospitable Tortuga Gallery,
Sierra Club and Root Beer: Immigration
Please join us for an animated discussion on immigration at this month’s Sierra Club and Root Beer. Meet people engaged in confronting the results of today’s immigration policies –- Albuquerque hands on! We invite you to take a walk through