map of the Carson National Forest

On February 22, 2016, the Sierra Club submitted comments related to the Carson National Forest Revision Plan.


These comments are submitted on behalf of the Northern New Mexico Group of the Rio Grande Chapter of Sierra Club that represents 2,500 members. Nationally, Sierra Club has 2.4 million members.

The Carson National Forest covers close to 1.5 million acres in northern New Mexico, and comprises some of the most biologically diverse lands and most significant watersheds in the state. Preserving water quality and quantity as well as wildlife abundance and diversity is central to our comments.

The Rio Grande Chapter (Northern Group) has collaborated with the US Forest Service in fulfilling the monitoring, education and outreach components in northern New Mexico Collaborative Forest Restoration Projects (CFRP) with local partners in Canjilon, Rowe Mesa and Santa Clara Pueblo. These local projects require additional funding and the opportunity to treat more forest acres.

As signatories to the Rio Grande Water Fund in 2014, we strongly urge the Carson NF to increase watershed restoration projects and thinning projects to make watersheds more productive and to protect against catastrophic wildfire events.

The comments make various actions related to

  • Climate change impacts on water and vegetation
  • Climate change impacts on wildlife and biodiversity
  • Carbon sequestration

Learn more

Full comments – Carson NF Plan Revision Comments 2016
Carson National Forest Revision Plan
Federal Register announcement

Map image from the Sangre de Cristo Chronicle

Comments submitted – Carson National Forest Revision Plan