Bosquitos outings – Spring 2018

The Bosquitos have had two wonderful outings this spring!

Our March outing was at Valle del Oro for “Birding and Breakfast.” We had a wonderful time eating a breakfast catered by students from Atrisco Heritage Academy.  Then we went out to the refuge with guides Teresa Skiba and bird guide Becky .  We saw a wonderful variety of wildlife and birds including starlings, red tail hawks, kill dear, grackels, meadowlarks, Canada geese, sandhill cranes, kestrels, bald eagles, junkos, crows, ravens, and a coyote.  We observed skunk tracks and looked at crayfish habitat. We learned a bit about the different types of calls that birds make including alarm calls, location calls, and territory calls. Teresa and Becky also helped us learn how to use binoculars.

In April we visited the Rio Grande close to the Rio Grande Nature Center with civil engineer Aubrey Harris.  Aubrey works with the Bureau of Reclamation although for this talk she was a volunteer and emphasized that her presentation that day did not necessarily represent the views of the Bureau.

Aubrey ‘s walk and talk focused on learning about what features of the Bosque are human-made, “natural,” or a combination.  She also helped us identify basic features of the Bosque that engineers consider when dealing with river management issues.  Aubrey helped us learn how to define what a watershed is through observation, question, and answer.    We learned about the history of jetty jacks and how before the jetty jacks the river moved around a lot more.  We learned about how levees are built. We discussed the complicated interactions between people wanting water rights for different uses and also how river management issues and human use affect other species.  At the end of the walk, younger Bosquitos spent time making water and sediment experiments and watching water flow.

We appreciate Teresa, Becky, and Aubrey giving their time to our group. Thank you!

Our next gathering will be at Open Space on June 2 and is expected to be fantastic!  Please read the information below. The event is free of charge and all ages are welcome.  However, space is very limited and RSVP required.  Please RSVP to Julie Hudson, Bosquitos volunteer, to reserve a spot at  We have 20 spots available.

Council of All Bee-ings, Storytelling and Learning about Other BEEings with Regina Ress and Anita Amstutz 10-3pm, City of Albuquerque Open Space Visitors Center, 6500 Coors Blvd. NW, 87120, 505-897-8831

In a very peaceful and beautiful setting, come learn about all things bees and become a temporary member of the Council of All Beings.  This very special Bosquitos day will be a time to learn about all living creatures—from bees, bugs, bats, cranes, coyotes, trees, rivers and more—who share our habitat on Planet Earth. We ask them what they want to tell us for these times in which we live. Bring a Lunch and water bottle!!!

Regina Ress is a storyteller, actor, author and educator who has worked from coast to coast with the Council of All Beings. She is the winner of the 2003/2015 Oracle award and part of the National Storytelling network.

Anita Amstutz is a published writer, chaplain, founder of Think Like a Bee , and NMBKA certified beekeeper who spearheaded and helped designate Albuquerque a Bee City USA. She speaks, mentors, educates and advocates on behalf of all pollinators in New Mexico and everywhere she goes.

The Bosquitos are the youth-centered group of the Bosque Action Team. Our mission is to learn about Albuquerque’s Bosque, the animals and plants that live there, and ways to take care of the Bosque and our earth as a precious natural space. Call Sarita Streng at 505-288-8713 for more information or if you have difficulty finding our group. Also, if you need special assistance, please let us know ahead and we will do our best to help.

Additionally, if you would like to organize an event for our group or have suggestions for other outings or educational events, we would love ideas and more volunteers.  Thank you.  Please contact Sarita Streng at 505-288-8713 or Julie Hudson at

Bosquitos outings – Spring 2018