Bear talk at PEEC – October 19

Black Bears, Wildfire, and Forest Restoration Treatments in the Southwest Jemez Mountains

Free Wildlife Talk – Los Alamos Nature Center – October 19 at 7 p.m.
PEEC-Pajarito Environmental Education Center
2600 Canyon Road in Los Alamos

Dr. James Cain USGS, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Department of Fish, Wildlife, & Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University

Wildfires and forest restoration treatments can result in large changes to habitat conditions for many wildlife species, and forest restoration plans should include monitoring and research programs to document the short- and long-term responses to restoration treatments.   We are currently monitoring the responses of black bears to recent wildfires and forest restoration treatments in the Jemez Mountains.

Preliminary results of our research will be presented followed by a general discussion of black bears and their presence and ecology in the Jemez Mountains.

Hosted by the Northern New Mexico and Pajarito Groups of Sierra Club.
Link to program.

Featured image from Wikipedia.

Bear talk at PEEC – October 19