Sign-up is by contact with leader (phone, or email if shown). To go you’ll need to sign a waiver that the leader will provide. Dogs only allowed as noted. Trips are normally FREE (pay when carpooling) and open to non-members (spread the word!), though we do like it if you join the Club to increase our local and national clout.


Friday, Oct. 2, to Sunday, Oct. 4: Strenuous backpack in the Southern San Juan Wilderness in Southern Colorado. Starting at the Red Lake trailhead (about 25 miles North of Chama off Highway 17) we will take the Red Lake trail (#733) to the Continental Divide trail (#813) to the Valle Victoria trail (#731) and finally the Elk Creek trail (#731) to the Elk Creek trailhead. Early start. One or two dogs OK. About 30 miles with 2,500 feet elevation gain and a max elevation of 12,000 feet. Both camps will be above 11,000 feet Larry,, (505) 913-0589.

Saturday, Oct. 3: Strenuous hike to Wheeler Peak from Red River by way of Trail 91, past Lost Lake and Horseshoe Lake, a strenuous, mostly on-trail route of about 18 miles total and 3,600 feet of gain. Expect an early start and stunning fall scenery. Michael Di Rosa, work: (505) 667-0095 or 231-9629

Saturday, Oct. 3: Bosquitos plant walk, botanic gardening, and raptors! 1:45 to 5:15 p.m. Kid and all-ages event. Bosque Education Day at the Bachechi Open Space. We will attend three workshops: Plant Walk with Dara Saville of Albuquerque Herbalism; Botanic Drawing with Lisa Morgan; and Learn about Raptors with Lisa of Hawks Aloft. Bring: water bottle and snacks. Come to one or all three of these fun and educational classes. Please RSVP here. Questions: Sarita Streng 505-288-8713

Sunday, Oct. 4: Moderate dayhike to Hillsboro Peak.Leave from Emory Pass and climb 1,900 feet over 4.5 miles to the historic cabin and fire tower on the 10,001-foot summit. On a clear day this hike offers tremendous views to the east of Kingston, Hillsboro, Caballo Lake, and the mountain ranges beyond. Harry Newman,

Thursday-Friday, Oct. 8-9: Moderate backpack to Little Creek. This 6-mile loop trip will begin and end at Woody’s Corral, about one mile from the Gila Cliff Dwelling Visitor Center. There is a 970-foot climb over 3.25 miles to the ridge above Little Creek. After camping overnight at the creek, we will descend through EE Canyon and the cliff dwellings. Harry Newman,

Saturday, Oct. 10: Exploring the last desert grassland. This all-day outing will take us through the largest remaining intact Chihuahuan Desert grassland, Otero Mesa. A mostly driving adventure to discover the ecology, wildlife and petroglyphs of this spectacular, threatened grassland. We’ll drive to Alamo Mountain in the Cornudas Mountains, where hikers will have the option to scramble up the mountain. 8 a.m. Las Cruces. There will be a separate meeting place for El Paso hikers at 9 a.m. Joint hike Southern Group and El Paso Group, with Southwest Environmental Center. Easy to moderate. Bring lunch and plenty of water. Contact Howie Dash, 575-652-7550, (Southern Group), or Jerry Kurtyka, 915-526-6297, (El Paso Group).

Saturday, Oct 10: Strenuous hike to East Pecos Baldy—hopefully the fall colors will be in bloom! Early start. Two or three dogs OK. About 16 miles and 3,800-foot elevation gain. Larry,, (505) 913-0589.

Sunday, Oct. 11 (or 10): Easy hike to Coyote Call and Scooter Peak from the back side. Just 3 miles roundtrip with 1 mile off-trail. Elevation gain is 800 feet. Great views of the Valles Caldera. Alan Shapiro 505-424-9242 or

Saturday, Oct. 17: Bosque by wheelchair at Rio Bravo Riverside Picnic Area, Fishing Pier and Nature Walk. 10 a.m. to noon. This area includes a quarter-mile trail made of crushed gravel. There is ADA parking, an ADA fishing pier for the irrigation ditch and a picnic area. Those who want to can also explore some hard-packed dirt trails. All are welcome on this outing. Bring: Good shoes and wheels, walkers, cruches, canes, etc. water, hat, sunscreen, snack and lunch if you want to stay to picnic afterward. Contact:, 505-715-8388.

Sunday, Oct. 18: Strenuous hike to Hermit’s Peak near Las Vegas. About 8 miles with 2,750-foot elevation gain. Side trip to Hermit’s Cave. Great views and early start. Royal Drews, (505) 699-8713.

Sunday, Oct 18: Strenuous hike in the Sandias on Whitewash/Tres Pistoles/Embudo loop, about 10 miles and almost 3,000 feet of gain. Starts and ends at Embudo Cyn parking at east end of Indian School. The first two miles of the “trail” are very steep and loose, but then the wooded, pretty Whitewash Trail begins. After two more miles we’ll reach Oso Pass. From there we continue on Tres Pistoles for 1.5 miles or so to the Embudo Trail and return to the parking lot on it. Great views. Two dogs OK. Tobin Oruch, (505) 690-6253,

Saturday, Oct. 24: Visit a hidden wetlands on the Rio Grande, 9-11 a.m. Explore the Albuquerque Bosque on the west side of the river, immediately north of Central Avenue and extending slightly beyond an old diversion canal that has been turned into a wetland for silvery minnows and water fowl. The 2-2.5 miles is fairly level walking. Limited to 20 walkers. Bring: insect repellent, good walking shoes, hat, sunscreen, binoculars, water and snack. RSVP to Colston Chandler, 505-343-9498 or

Sunday, Oct. 25: Fall colors in the Sandias — Crest trail, north from the Antennas, return via Ellis trail. Easy/moderate hike, High altitude (11,000 feet), total distance about 5 miles, small elevation change. Possible extension to see fall colors and view from Kiwanis cabin. Limit 10. 2 dogs OK. Register by Oct 23:

Sunday, Oct. 25: Strenuous Hike to Pedernal, mesa near Abiquiú and Georgia O’Keeffe icon. About 8 miles and 1,900 feet of gain with an exciting scramble to the top. Marcia Skillman, (505) 699-3008, 

 Saturday, Oct. 31: Stroll through the beautiful autumn Bosque with stops for short poetry readings to help us deepen our connection to this forest and river. We will also learn about conservation efforts and wildlife sightings in this area, as well as visit some hidden land art. Moderate 3-mile loop through both young and mature forest, no elevation gain. Bring hat, sunscreen, water, and binoculars. No dogs. Limit 15 people. Bring: Hat, sunscreen, water, and binoculars (optional). RSVP: M.J. Zimmerman,

Saturday, Oct. 31: Moderate hike to Giant Footprint Ruins. Beautiful hike near Jemez Springs to the top of the mesa. About 6-8 miles. The hike starts with a possible stream crossing and then a very steep climb of about 500 feet up an old road to the mesa top and then cross-country to the ruins. Great views from atop the mesa through pine trees. Marcia Skillman, (505) 699-3008,


Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 7-8: Moderate Backpack to Blue Mountain. This trip in the Apache Kid Wilderness begins at an 8,200-feet-elevation trailhead and requires high-clearance, 4-wheel-drive vehicles for access. This is an 8-mile round trip with 2,000 feet of net elevation change. Our summit camp will enjoy sunset, sunrise, and outstanding views. Nearby Cub Spring will supply water. Some participants may wish to spend an extra night at the trailhead. John Walton, (915) 539-5797,

ADDED Saturday, Nov. 7:  Hike in Red Wash near Abiquiu.  Moderate pace, early start, fairly flat but about 7 miles with some offtrail.  Marcia Skillman 505-699-3008 .

Saturday, Nov. 7: Strenuous Tetilla Peak loop hike CANCELED

Sunday, Nov. 8: Strenuous hike in South Sandias on Hawkwatch/Crest/South Peak/Embudito/Tres Pistoles loop, about 11 miles with 3,000 feet of gain. Hawkwatch is steep, loose and vague at times but short. Great views. Two dogs OK. Tobin Oruch, (505) 690-6253,

Sunday, Nov. 8: Bosquitos Bosque Treasure Hunt with Noel Chilton, noon to 2 p.m. Learn how to use compassess with sundials while learning about the bosque. All ages. Make your own navigation tools to use as you discover new lands. Your handmade compass and sundial will guide you as you encounter strange creatures! Open Space Visitor Center. Bring: water bottle and snacks. Contact: Sarita Streng 505-288-8713

Sunday, Nov. 8: Moderate hike to Alamo Canyon Rim in Bandelier. About 6 miles, 1,000-foot gain. Limit of 8 hikers, no dogs allowed in Bandelier. Bring park pass if you have it. Dag Ryen, (505) 466-4063.

Saturday, Nov. 14: Fall hike in the Bosque. We’ll hike the west-side stretch of the Bosque from Montaño to the Oxbow (about 1.5 miles). The stand of cottonwoods behind the Bosque School should be beautiful this time of year. Then we’ll take a side trail to the river and talk briefly about the new embayment installed by the Corps of Engineers. Then on to the new pond at the edge of the Oxbow. There we will talk about the Corps project and the importance of the Oxbow and its place in the Rio Grande Valley State Park. Meet: Parking lot just east of the SE corner of Montaño and Coors. RSVP Peter Kelling at

Saturday, Nov. 14: Explore the Cañoncito — on the Placitas side of the Sandias. Strenuous hike going up Bart’s and down Cañoncito trail. Total distance about 11 miles. Altitude change: about 3,500 feet. Steep trails. Limit 8 and 1 dog OK. Register by Nov. 12 with

Saturday, Nov.14: Strenuous hike to North Sandia Peak. Starting at Tunnel Spring trailhead, we will hike to North Sandia Peak via Del Orno Trail, Trail 130B, and North Crest Trail, Trail 130. Our return will be via the 10K Trail, Trail 200, Osha Loop Trail, Trail 201, and Osha Spring Trail, Trail 247. We will need to set up a short car shuttle before starting the hike. Early start. Two or three dogs OK. About 14 miles and 4,000 foot elevation gain. Larry,, (505) 913-0589.

Sunday, Nov. 15: Moderate hike to stunning Kitchen Mesa at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiú, about 5 miles and 600-foot elevation gain. Alan Shapiro 505-424-9242 or

Saturday, Nov. 21: Bosque By Wheelchair at the Bachechi Open Space. This area, just outside the river’s levees, has a forested and wetland area, in addition to a rose garden and educational center. The purpose of this outing is to enjoy the trail but also to see how well it works for people who use wheelchairs or other assistive devices and make recommendations on how agencies can improve and care for these trails. If you need special assistance, please contact us beforehand. All are welcome on this outing. 10 a.m. to noon. 9521 Rio Grande Blvd NW. Please RSVP to Colston Chandler, 505-343-9498 or

Saturday, Nov. 21 (or 22): Moderate hike on La Luz to the overlook, about 9.5 miles and 1,200-foot elevation gain. Daisy Levine, 466-8338. Limit of eight hikers.

Sunday, Nov. 22: Moderate hike to White Mesa and travertine springs west of Bernalillo, about 7 miles and 500 feet of gain. Marcia Skillman, (505) 699-3008,

Sunday, Nov. 29: La Luz Lazy. Strenuous up and easy down. Lower tram to upper tram will be 8.5 miles on a steadily rising trail with 4,200-foot elevation gain. Relax with tram ride down to parking. Royal Drews, (505) 699-8713.


Saturday, Dec 5: Beginner’s Snowshoe Clinic. Ready to start snowshoeing? Rent snowshoes and poles or bring your own and learn the ups and downs of snowshoeing in our fluffy New Mexico snow. Even if you’ve snowshoed before, this class is a fun, easy day of playing in the snow to learn the basics of winter safety and exploring offtrail locations. Cancelled if poor snow. Marcia Skillman, (505) 699-3008,

 Sunday, Dec. 6: Eye of the Sandias. Easy/moderate hike on the South Sandias. Total distance: 4 miles. Altitude change about 1,200 feet. Limit 12, and 2 dogs OK. Possible potluck after the hike. Register by Dec. 4 with

Sunday, Dec. 6: Moderate hike up Atalaya, Santa Fe’s favorite workout near St. John’s. About 7 miles with 1,781-foot elevation gain, steep at times. Royal Drews, (505) 699-8713.

Sunday, Dec 6: Moderate hike on Blue Dot/Red Dot Loop in White Rock, 8 miles and 1,200 feet of gain. We’ll hike down to the Rio Grande from the ball fields on the Blue Dot Trail, then follow the river down to the Red Dot Trail, climb to Pajarito Acres, and then take the White Rock Canyon Rim Trail back to our starting point. Mostly on trail but steep and loose in spots. Great views. Two dogs OK. Tobin Oruch, (505) 690-6253,

Saturday, Dec 12: Strenuous hike on Raven’s Ridge in ski basin, maximum of 6 miles and 1,800 feet of gain. Marcia Skillman, (505) 699-3008,

Sunday, Dec 13: Easy Galisteo Basin Preserve hike, a 4- to 5-mile loop at a modest pace, 500-foot gain. Nice 360-degree views and a few short steep sections to keep us warm. 1-2 dogs welcome. Lisa Bowdey, (505) 699-2953.

Saturday, Dec. 19: Strenuous snowshoe to Deception Peak. Out and back via Ravens Ridge, 6 miles and 2500 ft elevation gain. Two or three dogs OK. Larry, (505) 913-0589.

Sunday, Dec 20: Easy hike in the Nambé badlands. About 4 miles to see hoodoos up close and distant mountain panoramas. Alan Shapiro 505-424-9242 or

Photo by Tom Chymbor

Autumn hikes and outings