By Mona Blaber,
Chapter Communications Director
At the end of September, the Albuquerque City Council unanimously set a goal to get 25 percent of electricity at the city’s facilities from solar energy by 2025.
Achieving this goal will help make Albuquerque a leader in solar energy, decrease air and water pollution and save the city money.
The effort was led by our coalition partner Environment New Mexico and generated thousands of calls and emails to city councilors supporting solar energy.
“I was proud to work with Environment New Mexico to move solar energy forward in the city of Albuquerque,” said Councilor Pat Davis, co-sponsor of the resolution. “Setting a strong solar goal for the City of Albuquerque will provide numerous benefits, from protecting the city against future electric-rate increases to creating badly needed jobs.”
Solar energy is a jobs creator. In New Mexico, there are 102 solar companies that employ nearly 2,000 people, the majority located in Bernalillo County.
The City of Albuquerque currently gets about 3 percent of its electricity from solar energy. Upon reaching the goal set by the City Council, the city could save approximately $3.6 million each year at current electric rates, with savings likely to increase with ever-increasing energy costs.
“We applaud the Albuquerque City Council for setting a strong goal for solar energy,” said Sanders Moore, director of Environment New Mexico. “Solar energy protects our environment by decreasing air and water pollution and improves public health. I am very proud that the Albuquerque City Councilors unanimously voted to embrace solar energy and move our city and state forward.”
The measure was supported by partners including 350.org, New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light, New Mexico Solar Energy Association and Union of Concerned Scientists, among others.
Featured image by Michael Mazengarb.
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