This page includes candidate statements for the 2024 Rio Grande Chapter Executive Committee and Group Executive Committee elections. Electronic ballots will be emailed to all current chapter members on November 13, 2024.
Please visit Sierra Club My Account or call Member Care at 415-977-5653 to be sure your correct email address is on file.
Rio Grande Chapter Executive Committee

Alissa Kent-Guyer
Alissa Keny-Guyer joined Sierra Club in 1996 in Oregon, where she later served as state representative for NE/SE Portland. During her decade in the legislature, she served for a time on the Energy, Environment and Water Committee and championed the nation’s strongest children’s toxics bill, as well as other environmental health and clean energy bills.
She and her husband moved to Santa Fe in 2021, where she has joined forces with other Sierra Club members to advocate for environmental bills in the NM legislature and serves as Vice President of the nonpartisan National Caucus of Environmental Legislators (NCEL).

Sequoia Rudolph
Sequoia Rudolph has lived in 11 states, and is a recent arrival to New Mexico. She has explored some of the local trails and pueblos.
Finding beauty and splendor in nature, she has had memorable moments hiking Haleakala, working on the Arizona Trail near Mt. Humphreys, and visiting the Kamako Preserve on Molikai.
Thanks to the Sierra Club and other outdoor organizations for providing opportunities to explore and protect the great outdoors.

Valari Taylor
I have been an official Sierra Club member since 2008, but a support of the organization long before becoming a member. I whole heartedly believe in the organization’s mission, “Fighting for the Planet”. I am especially interested and supportive of having access to the great outdoors. The natural environment; comprises the atmosphere, land, water, oceans, and the diversity of living things, is a determinant of health due to its ability to affect health outcomes. It is important to me that we make climate change a priority, because of its effect on the natural environment.
I volunteer in many capacities with the local chapter, always willing to serve.I moved here 10 years ago, originally from the Midwest. I enjoy camping, hiking, gardening and bird watching. My goal is to visit every historical and cultural site here in New Mexico.
I work full-time as a dietitian.
Central New Mexico Group
Fred A. Helms
Fred Helms was a member of the Gulf Coast Conservation Association (now the Coastal Conservation Association), and the Travis County Audubon Society where he worked as a volunteer at its wildlife sanctuary for the Golden-cheeked Warbler from 1978 to 2021. After moving to Albuquerque in 2021, he joined the Sierra Club, and became a board member of the Bosque Chapter of Trout Unlimited where he is in charge of the chapter’s water quality testing of the Jemez River and San Antonio Creek. He is a retired Infantry officer and attorney who enjoys hiking, camping and fishing.
Sherry Noone
Sherry Noone has been a member of the Sierra Club since 1982, and has enjoyed many outings and activities in Southern California. She moved to the San Bernardino Mountains in 2002 and participated in the Mountains Group (Lake Arrowhead), and the Big Bear Bear Group (Big Bear Lake) Ex-Coms. Her commitment to environmental causes is lifelong, beginning in her childhood. She moved to Albuquerque in 2022.
Laurie Zunner
I have been an environmentalist since the first Earth Day. I and my husband became members of the Rio Grande Sierra Club in 2008, a few years after moving to New Mexico. After retiring in 2015 l started volunteering for the RGSC, first doing data entry but soon expanding into tabling, lobbying and joining the Zero Waste Action Team.
am now the chair of ZWAT and run its tours of local facilities and businesses dealing with waste, or reducing it, and recycling. I have been involved in plastic bag ban campaigns on the city and state levels. ZWAT continues to educate the public on the harms of plastic pollution and works towards the elimination of single-use plastics.
I am on the planning committee for Albuquerque’s Earth Day 2025, working to make the event as plastic-free as possible. I am honored to work with a group of dedicated and talented people on the Central Group’s executive committee and will continue to add my talents if reelected.
Northern New Mexico Group
Chris Calvert
I have been a member of the Sierra Club since 1983. I have a BS in Conservation of Natural Resources, and a Masters in Public Policy from UC Berkeley. Currently, I serve on the Northern Group ExCom and the Political Comm. at both the Group and Chapter level. As a former Santa Fe City Councilor, I am particularly focused on electing environmental champions at all levels of government.
Craig Hammond
Three years ago, my wife Lisa and I moved to New Mexico and we have since been completely captured by state’s unique natural beauty and culture. I am deeply interested in the science and policy of natural resource protection and the transition to renewable energy. By serving with the Sierra Club I hope to join the climate crisis fight and to help others enjoy and protect our beautiful state. I have been a long time donor to the Sierra Club and over the last year I’ve been engaged and volunteering with the Rio Grande Chapter. I am also an active volunteer with the Kitchen Angels, the Democratic Party of Santa Fe, the Conservation Committee of Eldorado, and the Santa Fe Conservation Trust. My love of the outdoors started with backpacking as a teenager and continues today with hiking, camping, skiing and mountain biking.
For my career background, I have a bachelors degree in biology from the University of Missouri-Columbia and PhD in Cell Biology from Yale University. After completing a post-doctoral fellowship in Immunology at Yale, I joined the Diabetes and Metabolic Disease Research Division at Eli Lilly and Company. At Lilly, I had my own research lab for many years before joining the Division leadership team where, as Senior Director of Research, I managed a group of 5-6 laboratories focused on novel therapies for diabetes. In my director role I was also a leader and liaison for Lilly research partnerships with top academic and industry institutions. After 24 years at Lilly, I retired in 2021 to pursue other interests, which include environmental issues.
Ken Hughes
Lifetime member Hughes has worked for Sierra Club has not just been an adventure but a job for Hughes. He was population lobbyist in the mid 1980’s on Capitol Hill. Moving to Santa Fe in 1990 he was the Club’s Roundhouse lobbyist for 3 sessions. Once he began working for the State he moved over to volunteering for the Club, serving as Conservation Chair for two decades. He is now Transportation Chair for the Chapter and Political Committee Chair for the Northern Group.
Norman Norvelle
I am a member of the Northern Ex-Com group and represent northwest (San Juan County) New Mexico. I would like to serve another 3 years as a Northern Ex-Com member. I joined the Sierra Club in the early 70s and worked with Gordon Glass and Hank Taylor on the Bisti Wilderness. I have been a Sierra Club member, off and on, since then. Also, I serve as secretary for the San Juan Watershed Group. I have served as a volunteer technical consultant for many organizations for the past 50 years of my working career.
I am a retired environmental scientist (NMED) that has lived in Farmington, NM since 1957. I attended Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU) and in 1970 earned a BS in Microbiology and Chemistry and in 1974 a Master of Natural Science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics & Geology) degree from ENMU. I am a Registered Environmental Health Specialist (Registered Sanitarian), NM Certified Level IV Water and Level IV Wastewater Operator. I am a lifetime member of the American Water Works Association (40+ years) and a lifetime member of the NM Water & Wastewater Association (40+ years). I was a Boy Scout leader and assistant scoutmaster for over 10 years and a National Jamboree Asst. Scoutmaster.
I retired from NMED in 2012. I served as a volunteer for the NMED Gold King Mine Citizens Advisory Council, and was appointed by the Secretary of Interior as a member of the U.S. BLM Resource Advisory Council (RAC) for the Farmington District Office for three years. My retirement years are focused on raising grandchildren and environmental activities to improve the environment within the San Juan Basin and State of New Mexico.
Joe Wells
I have served as a member of the Northern Group ExCom and member of the Northern Group and Rio Grande Chapter Political Committees. I live in Taos and serve on the Board of the Taos Land Trust as Vice Chair. I’m a lifetime member of Sierra Club.
Southern New Mexico Group
David Baake
David Baake was born and raised in El Paso, and now lives in Las Cruces. He routinely represents the Sierra Club in litigation and rulemaking, both at the state and national level. Last year, he represented the Club in successfully persuading the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board to adopt clean car and truck standards–a major victory for clean air and the climate. He has also represented the Club in federal litigation related to excess ozone pollution in New Mexico, and worked on a variety of rules designed to reduce air pollution from oil-and-gas facilities. In his free time, David enjoys backpacking in New Mexico’s Gila Wilderness and traveling across Mexico with his wife.
Karen Boehler
Karen Boehler grew up in the 60s in California, where the environmental movement was picking up steam. With family and lots of Girl Scout trips, I came to love the Sierra Nevada mountains and all nature beyond. I spent most of my life traveling on a motorcycle (which meant I was outdoors while still moving), and have visited 48 US states and more than a dozen countries, mostly on bikes and focusing on state, national and international natural sites. While living in India during DJTs first term, I did volunteer work with both local and international environmental organizations, and still remain on their mailing lists.
Gayle Eads
Las Cruces is the hub of the Southern Groupand we need a vital group to address the vital issues in this area. I have Sierra CLub experience in California and am learning about the challenges in this part of New Mexico. I seek re-election to the Group Executive Committee so that I can continue to address the environmental challenges in this vital portion of New Mexico.
I would appreciate your support.
Mary Katherine Ray
Mary Katherine Ray was drawn to live in the outback SW New Mexico by the beauty of the land and its enchanting wildlife running the gamut from migratory birds to Mexican wolves. She has served as Wildlife chair for the chapter and on the Southern Group excom for many years.
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