District 4: GloJean Todacheene
Todacheene was the first Native woman to serve as San Juan County commissioner. She is running for this Northwest New Mexico seat because “environmental issues, out-of-state migration and a loss of funding from the oil and gas industry are big issues in the state. We need to use science to solve problems.”
District 10: Andrés Romero
Romero made environmental policy a central issue in his 2014 campaign. Now as a first-term legislator, he has remained committed to ensuring New Mexicans can enjoy clean air, water and land. He has a stellar voting record and has spoken on the floor many times in favor of pro-environment bills.
District 15: Ane Romero
Romero is running in a key Albuquerque district needed for a more environmentally friendly Legislature. She believes New Mexico can be a national leader in renewable energy and must invest in renewables to limit climate disruption as well as create jobs and insulate the state budget from the booms and crashes of an oil economy.
District 20: Giovani Alexander Haqani
Haqani is passionate about creating a sustainable world, which, he says, always involves considering and being conscientious of the environmental context. He emphasizes that New Mexico is uniquely positioned to foster the growth of the green-energy sector.
District 22: John Wallace
In Sandoval County, Wallace has been involved in efforts to stop gravel mining and oppose fracking in Rio Rancho and has organized neighborhood cleanups. He also worked with local groups to promote water conservation in Placitas Village. His opponent has a 21% environmental voting record.
District 23: Daymon Ely
As a Sandoval County commissioner, Ely was instrumental is putting additional air-quality controls in place for Intel. He also worked with Sen. Heinrich on environmentally friendly land issues for the Rio Puerco Valley. Most recently, he testified in favor of a moratorium on test drilling in Rio Rancho by Sandridge Energy.
Daymon believes that one of the best ways to diversify our economy and create more jobs in New Mexico is to become the national experts on solar and wind production as well as water management. He is also a strong proponent of reissuing the state’s solar tax credit.”
District 24: Elizabeth Thomson
As a state legislator, Liz Thomson was proud to support the acquisition of Valle de Oro. She has also been an advocate for New Mexico becoming a leader in solar and wind production and manufacturing. Thomson is proud to have never taken a dime from oil and gas in any of her campaigns.
District 29: Ronnie Martinez
Martinez is a firefighter who expresses a passion for protecting our world and New Mexico’s unique qualities for his young daughter. His opponent has voted in favor of protecting the environment just 7% of the time, according to Conservation Voters New Mexico.
District 30: Natalie Figueroa
As a high-school teacher, Figueroa helps students explore issues related to our environment so they understand we have a shared responsibility to make our communities healthier and more sustainable. Figueroa’s opponent for this Albuquerque seat, Nate Gentry, has voted to protect the environment only 19% of the time.
District 31: Bob Scott
Scott told us “I am grateful that I live in New Mexico, a place with so much natural beauty. We need to protect and nurture the environment because it is one of New Mexico’s greatest assets and must be used wisely so that it is available to our children and their children.” Scott is opposing an incumbent with a 29% environmental score.
District 33: Bill McCamley
Rep. McCamley has proven to be a stalwart defender of environmental safeguards and wildlife in his tenure representing this south-central Las Cruces district. He is one of the few voices of reason on the Wildlife and Agriculture Committee, and his thoughtful arguments on the floor are key to stopping harmful bills and advancing good ones.
District 35: Angelica Rubio
Rubio’s qualifications and knowledge make her an outstanding choice to follow Rep. Jeff Steinborn, who is stepping down to run for Senate, in this north-central Las Cruces district. A native New Mexican, Rubio has a deep understanding and passion for issues relating to environmental justice and environmental racism.
District 36: Nathan Small
Small is an outdoorsman, conservationist and former Las Cruces city councilor. Working for New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, Small was instrumental in the designation of the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks National Monument in 2014.
District 37: Joanne Ferrary
Ferrary lost this East Las Cruces seat in 2012 by just eight votes. She has been a community activist and supported numerous pro-environment causes, including Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks. Her opponent has a lifetime environmental voting record of just 14%.
District 38: Mary Hotvedt
Hotvedt is a longtime resident and community activist in District 38 (Silver City and surrounding areas) and sponsor of the Gila River festival. She supports legislative action to protect our wildlife, increase renewable-energy standards and keep the Gila River free-flowing.
District 39: Rodolpho Martinez
Martinez was a House representative with a good environmental record when he lost a close race for this Doña Ana-Sierra-Grant County seat in 2014. His opponent sponsored a bill in 2015 to remove all protections from cougars in New Mexico.
District 43: Stephanie Garcia Richard
Rep. Garcia Richard has been a strong voice for protecting our water supply and investing in renewable energy in her Los Alamos-area district. She has a record of successfully negotiating passage of bills, including one to study energy storage.
District 47: Brian Egolf
Egolf, the House minority leader, will become the majority leader if we elect pro-environment lawmakers in November. Egolf has been a smart leader, defending against destructive anti-environment bills and proposing innovative legislation to promote renewables.
District 50: Matthew McQueen
In his first full term in this seat (Eldorado, Edgewood and south), McQueen has become one of the House’s most informed and passionate environmental champions. He is a smart and outspoken ally for conservation.
Paid for by the the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club PAC.
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