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Secretary of State: Maggie Toulouse Oliver

maggie-toulouse-oliverWe enthusiastically endorse Maggie Toulouse Oliver in the key race for Secretary of State.

The Sierra Club is a coalition partner in the Democracy Initiative, which states:

“Our democracy is built on the idea that every citizen can participate in the electoral process and each ballot counts equally. However, barriers exist that prevent some Americans from voting, rendering our voices unequal.”

We want to arrive at a democracy in which the voice of the people counts; Sierra Club’s grassroots engagement in elections by connecting with our neighbors helps counter the influence of dark money.

In 2013, a Supreme Court ruling struck down key protections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and opened the door for the types of discriminatory voter-suppression laws protested in the Civil Rights Movement more than 50 years ago.

Oliver has an excellent record as Bernalillo County clerk of making voting more accessible, and she would bring needed reform and organization to the Secretary of State’s office.

Paid for by the the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club PAC.

NM flag image from NewsCastic. 

Election 2016: Secretary of State endorsement